Celebrate the joyous occasion of Raksha Bandhan with the eCraftIndia Set of 4 Lord Ganesha, Peacock, Krishna & Kalash Designer Rakhis. This exquisite set includes four beautifully crafted rakhis featuring the divine Lord Ganesha, elegant peacock, playful Lord Krishna, and auspicious Kalash designs. Each rakhi is intricately designed with attention to detail, showcasing the artistry and craftsmanship. Accompanied by the Roli Chawal pack, this hamper allows you to perform the traditional rituals with ease and tie these symbolic rakhis to your beloved brothers. Embrace the essence of spirituality and express your love with these stunning designer rakhis.
10% off on purchase above Rs 1000. Use code ECRAFT10 to get discount.
20% off on purchase above Rs 2500. Use code ECRAFT20 to get discount.