Celebrate the auspicious occasion of Raksha Bandhan with the eCraftIndia Set of 4 Golden Laddu Gopal, Lord Krishna Playing Flute, Lord Ganesha, and Shivling Religious Rakhis. This set of four rakhis represents the divine presence of Lord Krishna, Lord Ganesha, and the sacred Shivling. Each rakhi is beautifully crafted with intricate golden details and adorned with green and red threads, symbolizing prosperity and blessings. With the included Roli Chawal pack, you can perform the traditional rituals and tie these sacred rakhis to your brothers, conveying your love and protection. Make this Raksha Bandhan truly special with this divine set of rakhis.
10% off on purchase above Rs 1000. Use code ECRAFT10 to get discount.
20% off on purchase above Rs 2500. Use code ECRAFT20 to get discount.